DE I Aachen, 29 Oktober 2021
Macquarie Asset Management hat über ihren Macquarie Super Core Infrastructure Fund eine Vereinbarung zum Kauf des zweitgrößten deutschen Ferngasnetzbetreibers Thyssengas mit DIF and EDF Invest unterzeichnet.
Thyssengas betreibt ein 4.400 km weites Ferngasnetz und transportiert Gas zu ca. 50 Verteilnetzbetreibern, 160 Industriekunden und sieben Gasspeichern in Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Macquarie Asset Management kann auf ein tiefes Verständnis des Gastransportgeschäfts zurückgreifen. Über einen anderen von Macquarie Asset Management gemanagten Infrastrukturfonds war Macquarie zwischen 2011 und 2016 bereits an Thyssengas beteiligt.
► Weitere Informationen zur Transaktion sind ebenfalls verfügbar unter folgendem Link
BET hat Macquarie wie schon 2011 im Rahmen dieser Transaktion im Due Diligence Prozess unterstützt. Die Regulatorische Due Diligence wurde vom Team der BET Transaktionsberatung um Partner Ralph Kremp und den Leiter des Kompetenzteams Lukas Schuffelen sowie unter Beteiligung des Regulierungsteams um Partner Michael Seidel und dem Leiter des Kompetenzteams Oliver Radtke koordiniert.
BET advises Macquarie Asset Management to acquire Thyssengas as Regulatory Due Diligence advisor
EN I Aachen, 29 October 2021
Macquarie Asset Management, via Macquarie Super Core Infrastructure Fund, has agreed to acquire Germany’s second largest gas transmission system operator Thyssengas from DIF and EDF Invest.
Thyssengas operates a 4,400-kilometre underground network which supplies gas to around 50 municipal distribution centres, 160 industrial customers and seven gas storage systems across Germany’s industrial heartland of North Rhine-Westphalia. Thyssengas is expected to play a central role in supporting Germany’s ambitious decarbonisation plans to reduce nuclear and coal-fired generation by enabling greater use of low-carbon gases by its customers within the region.
Hilko Schomerus, Managing Director at Macquarie Asset Management, said: “Thyssengas is situated at the centre of Germany’s industrial region and services many hard-to-abate sectors. With a strong reliance on conventional energy, limited renewable energy resources, and strong gas network connectivity, greener gases such as low-carbon hydrogen present a strong energy alternative for local businesses seeking to decarbonise. We are excited by the opportunity to progress and champion this critical work to make Thyssengas’ network ready for the future. We know the company and its operations well, and we look forward to recommencing our long-term partnership with the business.”
Macquarie Asset Management benefits from a deep understanding of the business, having previously owned Thyssengas between 2011 and 2016 via another of its managed infrastructure funds. Macquarie Asset Management is also already supporting the development of Germany’s critical energy infrastructure through its long-term investment in transmission network operator Open Grid Europe.
Macquarie Group has been investing in Germany for over 30 years and employs more than 170 staff across the region, with offices in Munich and Frankfurt. Today, Macquarie Group has investments across Germany’s energy, renewables, utilities, and real estate sectors.
► For further information please note the following Link
BET was acting as already in 2011 as regulatory advisor for Macquarie within this transaction process. The regulatory Due Diligence was managed by the BET Transaction Advisory team around Partner Ralph Kremp and Team Leader Lukas Schuffelen under participation of the Regulatory Advisory teams around Partner Michael Seidel and Team Leader Oliver Radtke.
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